An individual’s mannerisms, candour, temperaments, and behaviour can often be best understood through the observations of close relatives, friends, mates, and other acquaintances. Kemi Elebute Halle is no exception to this rule. Through the lens of her relationships, we can gain insightful perspectives into her character traits, behaviour patterns, and the values that shape her identity.
Princess Adeyemi Onodipe, née Adeleye, from the Ikole-Ekiti branch of the Ikole Adeleye Royal family.
Is a banker turned politician and a proud Ekiti native. Princess Adeyemi Onodipe is a close political associate of Engr. Chief Kemi Elebute Halle. In this interview, Adeyemi Onodipe presents her own perspective of Engr. Chief Kemi Elebute Halle.
Question: How long have you known Engr. Chief Mrs. OluKemi Elebute Halle?
I have known Kemi for a lifetime.
Question: Can you describe her childhood?
I don’t know much about her childhood since we didn’t grow up in the same environment. However, philosophically speaking, we often say that a child’s character is shaped between the ages of four and five. By age five, a child begins to understand what they will accept and what they will not. Kemi’s formative years were marked by determination, and that strong-willed individual is the Kemi we see today.
Question: She refers to you as “Mother.” What does that mean?
Yes, she calls me her mother out of love, out of respect; that makes me love her endlessly and unconditionally.
Question: When did you first encounter Kemi, and what was your experience?
Dr. Mrs. Princess Engr. Erelu Kemi Elebute Halle is a big fish of many species rolled together. Talking about a fish; anything golden does not have a hiding place. She is a golden fish.
My first encounter with Kemi was during my political campaign. She emerged as a significant presence, almost a threat to me and my party. Wherever I went, there were her posters—by trees, on houses. I found myself thinking, “What kind of Kemi is this?” “Why do they keep bringing her around to overshadow us?” Yet, she continued to make an impact on my party. To make matters more challenging, she is not only beautiful but always wears a smile.
I used to think, “Why isn’t she ever annoyed? What’s her problem? She should show some frustration!” I wanted someone I could challenge and provoke, someone I could use against my party. But I couldn’t do that with her because she was always smiling.
One day, I visited her office with the intention of rattling her, but the more I tried, the more she smiled. No matter how hard I looked for a negative side, I couldn’t find one. It’s not that she doesn’t have any flaws, but God has helped her manage them so well. My political career brought me into contact with her.
Question: Which political party are you affiliated with, Ma’am?
I served as the State Women Leader for the SDP in Ekiti. If it is God’s will, my efforts may lead me to another role within the party, but I intend to remain with my party while she stays with hers. The essence of Kemi Elebute—the core values that define her—are what I am referring to.
Question: You speak highly of Elebute-Halle but you both are not from the same political platform.
We are not in the same political party; she won’t leave her party for mine, and I have no intention of leaving my party for hers.
Question: What is your assessment of her political career?
The Kemi you see today has limitless potential; by God’s grace, the sky is just the beginning for Kemi Elebute Halle. This is the truth. She is made of strong character—she is tolerant, loves people, and can handle anything thrown her way without losing her composure. She takes her time to think before acting, so why wouldn’t she succeed?
If God wills it, she could still become the governor of this state. She could even be a minister. Who says a woman can’t be vice president or president? Kemi is destined for great things; mark my words. I’m not saying this to impress anyone—I’m simply stating what I see. She is not a nobody; we are talking about a seasoned engineer—she is well-educated and accomplished.
Question: If Kemi invites you, would you join her party?
I wouldn’t switch parties; instead, I would invite her to join mine. She likely wouldn’t accept, which makes our relationship even more special. We are both strong in our respective parties. She might say, “Sister, why would I?” and I would respond, “You’ll meet me in the field.”
Question: So, what is the attraction?
The attraction lies in who she is—her personality. Kemi Elebute Halle is unique. She may be in one party today and another tomorrow, but her character is not defined by party affiliation. It’s who she is and who God has made her that I admire.
Question: What qualities make kemi Elebute Halle a remarkable politician?
Dr. Mrs. Princess Erelu kemi Elebute Halle is a significant figure in our political landscape. She is a remarkable individual with diverse qualities that make her stand out. Elebute-Halle is not just a prominent politician; she embodies multiple strengths and characteristics that together create a powerful presence in the political arena.
Olukemi Adekemi Elebute-Halle is an exceptional person—an admirable daughter, a loving sister, and a committed politician known for her tolerance and compassion. She is resilient and well-educated, having attended numerous institutions that have shaped her intellect. Despite her accomplishments, she remains grounded and principled, never allowing anyone to underestimate her capabilities. No one can trample on her. Her dedication to the masses is evident; she serves as their voice and advocate, driven by a genuine love for people that motivates her political endeavors. Kemi is not in politics for personal gain; rather, it is her passion for serving others that has driven her into this field. The Kemi Elebute Halle I know aspires to uplift the world! She has an unwavering love for people, regardless of their political affiliations. Her compassion knows no bounds; she is like a sister to everyone and can easily be seen as the sister next door. She doesn’t concern herself with social class or ethnicity—whether you are Yoruba, Igbo, or from any background, Kemi is simply Kemi.
She is a remarkable individual, a true gift from God. I’m not saying this to flatter her; I am merely sharing my genuine observations about Kemi Elebute-Halle. I want to make it clear that she is someone to be proud of knowing. She is a unique politician—exceptional and far from ordinary. Like a comet. A comet is a rare phenomenon and remarkable, appearing only once in a lifetime. Kemi Elebute Halle knows influential people, and if you have a good relationship with her, consider yourself fortunate.
The Yoruba have a saying that is quite relevant here: “You are known by everybody, but not everyone will know you.” In other words, even if you know many people, not all of them will recognize you. Princess Dr. Mrs. Halle has carved out a unique niche for herself. She is grounded—let me emphasize that—she is truly down to earth. She is firm, an engineer, a mother, a sister, a daughter, and a wife. She is knowledgeable and possesses a Midas touch. Elebute-Halle is principled; no one can easily take advantage of her. Yet, she is also very accommodating and loving because God Himself embodies love.
It’s important to note that the Kemi Elebute Halle you see is a child of God, and she is God-fearing.
Question: What else do you want the world to know about Olukemi?
I want the world to understand that if you stand with Kemi, you stand with me too. But if you ever think of going against Kemi, think twice, because you’re dealing with a strong woman. She is a woman with a pure heart; I say this sincerely. She does not discriminate and is completely free from tribal biases. If you want to support someone, support Kemi—not just her party, but her as a person. If you’re interested in a political party, then consider joining mine, the SDP.