Maj. Hamza Al-Mustapha, the Presidential Candidate of the Action Alliance (AA), has reiterated that world systems exist which undermine the growth and development of nations.
He said Nigeria is one of the most targeted, as a result, it is worst off in terms of development and growth due to the connivance from forces outside and within.
According Al-Mustapha, the Gen Sani Abacha administration was ‘exceptional’ because President Abacha did not surrender to the whims and caprices of the cartel, home and abroad.
To frustrate the Abacha administration, the cartel in collaboration with their local counterparts, and unable to derail the administration, resorted to labeling it with unfriendly terms.
“Gen Sani Abacha was an excellent General and a leader Nigeria needed at that time and to time immemorial.
He was ever upright, he defended. “Nigeria’s worst enemies are those within, who were disgruntled with the Abacha leadership style and its achievements. They projected themselves only towards discrediting the administration, because they hated him.
“Gen Sani Abacha was determined to pull the country away from the clutches of backwardness.
“He initiated a good roadmap with which Nigeria would by now have achieved advancement,
competing favourably with other advanced countries.
“He loved Nigeria. He did not loot any treasury. The plans and achievements witnessed within the short period the administration lasted cannot be faulted as all were in tune with the nation’s yearnings. He was ready to do more but Death stopped him.
“Those whose only interest in Nigeria is to plunder our commonwealth, have continued to paint Gen Abacha black even in death.
“His vision and efforts to rebuild the country into a strong and viable nation will be long remembered by the honest hearted.
Maj. Hamza Al-Mustapha rtd., who was the Chief Security Officer (CSO) to Nigeria’s Former Military Head of State, General Sani Abacha, said if elected to serve as president in the forthcoming general elections, he was sure to make real his claim that Nigeria can become
one of the most respected nations.
“The first step to save Nigeria from total collapse is by exposing and confronting the nation’s enemies headlong, he declared.
Maj. Hamza Al-Mustapha made the assertions while speaking at the 2nd Gen Sani Abacha Colloquium held recently at the International Conference Centre, Abuja.