Rt. Honorable Marcus Iziegbeaya Onobun, member representing Esan West Constituency at the Edo State House of Assembly who is the Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly is a reporter’s delight as he is never shy of Journalists. Precious Enebuse took him by surprise recently at the Nicon Luxury Abuja, with this question: Sir, how has it been representing the people of your constituency and Edo State in general? Hear him:
It has been exciting, it has been a learning process, and it has been some kind of fulfillment because way back from my school days, I’ve always wanted to represent people, and serving as the Speaker of Edo State House of Assembly is one of the opportunities and many more ahead to represent my people. And by the grace of God, I can say I have done my best within the limited time because out of my 4 years mandate, I have already done 3 and half years, and I have made a remarkable difference between where we used to be and where we are now.
What exactly can you say are your major breakthrough in office Sir, in terms of fulfilling your promises on your electoral mandate in office?
First of all, I’m a lawmaker and my basic responsibility is to represent my people, and conduct oversight functions. In the area of lawmaking, I can tell you that as the Speaker of the 7th Assembly of the Edo State House of Assembly, we have churned out over 40 bills, and over 37 of those bills have been accepted. The last time I checked the records, no previous assembly matched that record.
In the area of representation, we have taken advantage of the working relationship with the Executive to bring about development to my immediate constituency and the people at large. As we speak, my constituency is a construction site in terms of infrastructural development; roads, building of schools, and empowerment of younger ones the youths, and also the women. I can tell you that the government of Edo state has also provided opportunity for a lot of young people to get employment into the civil service as well as the House of Assembly Service Commission. We have also trained a lot of people in terms of entrepreneurship in order for them to be self-reliant, and so many other accomplishments that one cannot mention. If you want these records it can be transmitted to you via any means or channel.
Last question, for the sake of time, 2023 general elections is around the corner, as a young vibrant member of the house of assembly and a promising national leader, what’s your message to the electorate and the contestants?
To the electorates, we need everyone to work more now more than ever before. We are at a time when Nigeria is at a challenge, we do not want this country to collapse because it is the only country we call ours. The electorate can make statement by coming out in their numbers and casting their votes for true Contestants who exemplify their hopes and aspirations; they ought not to vote on the basis of sentiments or voting population, or on the basis of pecuniary benefit they may be able to get during election, or even fake promises. They should be able to assess those contestants on the basis of their performance; we must ask the important questions such as what have you so and so contestants done for the constituents and what will you do for us concretely if given the opportunity to serve? The 2023 General Elections is an opportunity for us to get it right this time around.
Thank you.